I remember really struggling to get the large format photography off the ground when I picked it up after a 20 year absence. I'd lost the knack. At the return stage, even though the work flow was simple --- the negatives were developed and scanned by Atkins Lab, the results were less than impressive. I was rusty.
This picture of the brick piers of the old railway bridge at Currency Creek was an attempt to construct a situation --- a family outing by a creek as it were. We were living in Adelaide at the time and we stayed at Victor Harbor every second weekend. On the Sundays when we were at Victor Harbor we -- Suzanne, myself and the standard poodles --- would often go for an outing. We were exploring and getting to know the Fleurieu Peninsula. We visited Currency Creek a number of times as it was a good place to walk the poodles along the creek.
These early attempts at large format after a long absence were not good: they were notable for their poor sense of composition, a lack of awareness about light and little sense of a colour palette. I wasn't really thinking photographically. I was too busy getting used to the equipment and approach. Taking snaps as it were.
The Currency Creek scene was set up in order for me to control things. The camera was a 5x4 Linhof Technika IV field camera. I'd chosen an overcast day with flat light at midday, when what I really wanted was some gentle, late afternoon light to lift the scene. So the results were nothing like what I'd pre-visualised.
I wasn't thinking about the relevance of large format in a digital age. I was finding the process quite discouraging and, as I knew no one in Adelaide using large format cameras whom I could ask for advice, I was on my own. So the files just sat on the hard drive. Every time I looked at them in the large format folder I got depressed.