Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: large format

a minor blog about the trials, tribulations and explorations of large format, analogue photography in Australia


These links to various large format  photographers  are a work in progress.  I will  add to them as I come across  other large format  photographers in Australia whose work connects with mine at some level.    


Naoya Hatakeyama 

Kenro Izu

Tokihiro Sato

Hiroshi Sugimoto 

Shikama Takeshi

Mitsuka Uemura


John Austin   Western Australia  

Kake Baker Melbourne 

Alex Bond     Western Australia

Bianca Conwell Victoria 

Zoe Damage Melbourne 

Mark Darragh  Victoria  

Daisy Noyes Melbourne

Lisa Garland 

Keiko Gotto  Brisbane

Stuart Murdoch Melbourne

Harry Nankin  Melbourne

Justine Roche  Sydney 

Chris Round Sydney 

Craig Tuffin  Queensland 

Greg Wayn  Melbourne

New Zealand 

Lawrence Aberhart

Mark Adams

Stuart Clook

Chris Corson-Scott

Andrew Ross

United Kingdom 

Jason Orton 

Tim Rudman


Ben Horne

Alex Burke

Shane Digman

Denis Ramos